I grew up nestled in art, and my desire to touch led me to sculpture and I have worked with different materials in the process. Bronze is my favorite; I am fascinated by how dexterity can bring out of so cold, heavy and sharp a material, such a light, warm and soft nature.
There was a period in which I included mechanical components in my sculpture and installations in order to bring out the technological language of the present, which has led me to study and receive my master’s degree in the field of Visual Arts and Multimedia Techniques. During a period of intensive research on the phenomenology of perception, conceptual movement, and the various forms and limits of the body and its expressions, I worked in diverse media such as performance, and sound and video installations.
I think the conceptual element of the work is just as important as the beauty and elegance of the finished piece. I choose the art form and media that will best convey the feeling that I want to evoke with that work. In my multimedia works, the theme of the inadequate translation of feelings caused by differences in socio‐cultural perceptions appears often with the use of wordplay. I tend to create clean forms to emphasize the message and also to give the spectator space. This is also the reason why I often use transparency in my work. I enjoy challenging conventional forms of thinking and am drawn to elegant materials, striking imagery, theatrical use of space and dramatic lighting.
On the other hand, in my sculptures and prints, I work more instinctively and ingeniously. As for my themes, they are more emotional and self conscious and the aim of my technique is to reflect the same sentimentality. My approach to these traditional art forms is to avoid mechanical process/elements, as I prefer to preserve the whole process of the creation manually. It is more time consuming, but it also creates a more challenging and genuine medium since each work is the essential and the crucial product of my manual dexterity, regardless of its excellence or faultiness, is truly unique. Therefore, the whole process of creation and art making is fully dependent on me as each completed piece bears my personal traces as well as its own pure nature.

Born in Istanbul in 1982.
Graduated BFA and MFA programs (2001-2009) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Italy, summa cum laude.
Worked as a lecturer for a couple of years in Istanbul. Enjoyed teaching, disliked the existing educational system. She moved a lot, and has never really left the cities she has left; she still carries them on her back in her shell.
Currently based in Istanbul, she works between Turkey and Italy while collaborating worldwide.